Better Things For Better Living Through Chemistry

Analytical Services
Environmental Reagent Service, Inc. is an independent State of Florida certified Laboratory (E86563). Established in 1995 the company provides an extensive selection of analytical and consulting services to residential, commercial, municipal, and construction industries. Our capabilities include:
Microbiology of Water / Wastewater / Solids
General Chemistry
Pesticides and PCB's
Semi-Volatile Organics
Volatile Organics
Field Testing
The water quality of your residential home is essential to you and those you love. Whether used to cook, drink, cleanse, or for entertainment, water requires careful monitoring and the highest of quality, devoid of health harming pathogens and excessive or unneeded chemicals. Water can be tested in-situ at your home or ex-situ in our laboratories. Collection vials and instructions on how to properly collect your samples are provided upon request.
Our ethical, efficient, and professional way to conduct business has allowed us to partner with dozens of Cities and Counties in the State of Florida by offering our chemical and biological expertise. We thank all of our clients for making us proud to be their working partners and for the service they offer to all members of their communities.
We know you pride on your quality of service, so we would like to partner with you to support your mission and suggest the best products available in the market to meet your objectives. We specialize in custom made chemicals and biologicals. Please feel free to contact us and consult with our team of experts.
The fast paced population growth in the past decades has inevitably called for a means to host dwellers in communities and to expand quality resources to meet the growing demands. The need for construction temporarily and/or permanently changes the physical environment in which we live. Our environmental services provide professional consultations and a series of laboratory work inherent to anthropogenic activities.